Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Story time

Dear parents and all students,
There are 7 steps to be followed through in this lesson 2020051941


1.0 Watch video clip from Youtube, 
2.0 Read a short story.
3.0 Listen to the audio and read along with a passage of story.
4.0 Guided read-along .
5.0 Listen to the audio read-aloud and write the words. 
(Guess 12 words by listening and write down 12 words in  your exercise book).
6.0 Snap a picture of your completed homework.  
7.0 Answers? 

Watch the video clip below. 

Read the short story below :

From the original website of :

The Blue Jackal 

In a jungle, there lived a jackal. One day, looking for food, he wandered into a nearby village. A pack of dogs saw him and surrounded him. They attacked him and tried to drive him away. In order to save himself, the jackal ran into a nearby house. This house belonged to a washerman. 

The front yard of the washerman's house was full of big buckets. The jackal jumped into one of these pails to hide himself. The dogs followed him but could not find him anywhere and went away. 

After a while, the jackal came out of the bucket. What he did not realize was that the bucket in which he had hidden was full of blue dye and now his whole body was dyed blue. When the dogs saw him, they did not recognize him. Instead they thought it was some strange animal and ran away terrified. 

The jackal went back to the forest. Everywhere he went the animals would run away from him. The jackal could not understand why all the animals were so terrified of him all of a sudden. He went to the river and looked at his reflection. When he saw that he had been coloured blue by the dye, he understood that all the animals were running away from him because they were terrified. 

He called out to them, "Friends! Do not be afraid of me. The Creator of this jungle, the Almighty God has sent me to be your king. I am here to protect you. Do not fear me." 

The other animals were convinced and obeyed every instruction the jackal gave them. First he made them chase away all the other jackals from the forest. Next they were to hunt and bring him food everyday. The jackal lived this way for some days. 

One day, when he was sitting surrounded by all the other animals, he heard a pack of jackals howling in the distance. Having been away from others of his kind for so long, he was overcome with joy at hearing other jackals. He raised his head and howled in response. Hearing him, all the other animals realized that they had been fooled by an ordinary jackal. They all attacked him and tore him to pieces. 

Listen to the audio by clicking the link below, and read along . Remember to point to words that go hand-in-hand with text. 
(Make sure you have switched on your audio speaker , Choose "Listen in Browser" if you are using mobile-phone)

Click the video clip link below to read-along, if you want to read together with Mr.Goh. 
(Make sure you have switched on your audio speaker)

Click the audio link below and listen, write the words that you know into your exercise book. 
 Remember, DO NOT copy the whole passage. Only write the answers.
(Choose "Listen in Browser" if you are using mobile-phone. You can PAUSE the audio or listen again and again, by clicking back onto the audio-wave)

Example :
(1) India
(10) ________

The Blue Jackal

This is one of the best stories for kids from (1) ___________. 

Once upon a time, a jackal was roaming around in search of food. It was an unlucky day for him. He could not get a single bite to eat. Tired and (2)_________, he walked until he reached a town. He knew it was not safe for him to stray into the town. But, the poor jackal was desperate. He had to get (3)________ to eat or he would starve to death. 

When he was walking about inside the town, he saw some food strewed on the side of the road. The jackal quickly ran and (4)__________ eating. Suddenly, some dogs noticed him and began barking. The jackal ran away (5)_________ the dogs chased him to the house of the washerman. The washerman was busy in dying a set of clothes blue. So, he had a whole tub of blue dye ready. The jackal (6)________ see the tub and tumbled into it. 

When the jackal got out of the tub, he found that he was blue all over.He didn't know what to do. He hid under the pile of clothes while (7)__________ for the dogs to go away. Once it was night, the jackal came out of the pile of clothes and made his way from town to the forest. 

In the forest,all the (8)_________ ran away when they saw him. None of one has seen such a strange blue creature ever before and they were all frightened. But, the jackal was quite clever. He (9)_________ to take advantage of this situation. The jackal told the animals that he has been sent by the god to protect all the animals. All the animals got influenced by him and decided to obey him and tried to keep him happy. They (10)____________ him food and water. The jackal did not have to worry about anything. 

Every evening, the jackal would sit on the top of the rock with all the animals sitting around him. He would tell them stories and tales. All the animals (11)_______________ their leader. One evening, when jackal was telling them stories, he heard a pair of jackals howling. The jackal had not seen or heard other jackals for a very long time. When he heard them howling, he was (12)_____________ and began howling too. 
That was when all the animals realized that their ruler was an ordinary jackal. They all began to chase him. But the jackal was already far away from them running as quickly as he could. 


Please snap a picture of your completed homework and post to GOSET, Mr. Goh's English Class in Telegram. 


Do you know the answers? 
Please discuss with your family members, your parents , your siblings, or anyone, for the answers.
Still, if you are in doubt. Still, do not know the answers, you can PM , personal message your classmates , Mr Goh or anyone , who is good in English listening skill. Please share this webpage, to anyone. Sharing is caring.

Do you like this homework? What do you think ? Remember to tell Mr. Goh down here in the comments section. Let's talk about anything down here. I miss you all.

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