Monday, February 1, 2021

English on line homework, Miyoko for 3 Syafie 2021.


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Pdpr, Belajar dari rumah.

On line Learning , English

Teacher : Mr Goh Moh Teng

Class : 3 Syafie 2021

Day   : Monday

Date : 1.2.21

Time slot  : 9.30- 10.30am

Due : till the next Mr. Goh's Music time slot, Next Monday.

Task : 


Steps :

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

2. Copy the whole passage, snap your completed task and post to Mr Goh's English lesson Telegram chat group  OR PM to Mr Goh, Whatsapp. 

3. Thanks.


Kalau anda telah baca makluman ini. Mohon isi borang Google Form ini.  . Tak perlu sambung list .... Terima kasih.


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Saya sudah tahu (noted)

Makluman berkenaan dengan Homework, PDPR, telah pun saya terima.

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