Saturday, August 8, 2020

Snatch Theft


Dear parents and all students,
There are 8 steps to be followed through in this lesson 
1.0 Watch video clip from Youtube, 
2.0 Study the pictures and rearrange paragraphs in order, to form an essay.
3.0 Listen to the audio and read along with a passage of story.
4.0 Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with words.
5.0 Complete the written exercises.
1.0  Watch the video clip below. Get to know about the state of Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia.

Study the pictures below, and rearranging the paragraphs to form an essay :

Luckily, there was a policeman on duty. He heard her cries and quickly chased the thief. 
After a few minutes, he was able to overtake the thief. The policeman arrested him and took him to the police station. Mrs. Lim was happy to get back her handbag. 
Mrs. Lim is a clerk. She works in an office in town. Last Monday, she went out for lunch alone. As she was walking along the road, suddenly a motorcyclist came from behind and snatched her handbag. She shouted for help.

Rewrite the essay in complete order, write your essay in your exercise book  :


Listen to the audio by clicking the link below, and read along .  
(Make sure you have switched on your audio speaker , Choose "Listen in Browser" if you are using mobile-phone)

Complete the sentences below by listening to the audio again. Do not peep at the answers, try to listen carefully, listen attentively to the audio and complete the task.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the brackets. 

Last Monday, Madam Chong had to _________ (walk, walks, walked) to her office because her car  _____________ (break, broke, broken) down. While she was _________ (enjoys, enjoying, enjoyed) her walk, suddenly a motorcyclist ______________ (came, comes, come) from behind and  _________________ (snatch, snatches, snatched) her handbag. 

She ______________ (shout. shouts, shouted) for help. 

Luckily there ___________ (was, is, were) a policeman on duty at that time. He ________________ (hears, hear, heard) her shouts. He quickly ______________ (chased, chases, chase) the thief. Within minutes, he ______________ (manage, manages, managed) to _________________ (get, got, gets) hold of the thief. He was ________________ (arrest, arrested, arresting) and was _______________ (takes, taking, taken) to the police station. The  policeman ________________ (gives, gave, give) back the handbag to Madam Chong. She was ______________ (happy, excited, grateful) to the policeman. She ________________(thanks, thanked, thank) him in return. 

Complete the above fill in the blanks exercise.
Do you know the answers? 
Please listen to the audio clip in step 3.0 , you can discuss with your family members, your parents , your siblings, or anyone, for the answers.
Still, if you are in doubt. you do not know the answers, you can click the hyperlink below for the complete answer. 

Please share this webpage, to anyone. Sharing is caring.


Do you like this homework? What do you think ? Remember to tell Mr. Goh down here in the comments section. Let's talk about anything down here. I miss you all.

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