Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Mr Goh, the birds keeper


Dear parents and all students,
There are 8 steps to be followed through in this lesson 
1.0 Watch video clip from Youtube, 
2.0 Study the pictures and getting to know the keywords.
3.0 Listen to the audio and read along with a passage of story.
4.0 Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with words.
5.0 Complete the written exercises.
1.0  Watch the video clip below. Get to know about the state of Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia.

Read the comprehension below :

Mr Goh, The birds keeper.

Mr Goh is a very old man. He lives in a house on a hill.
In his house there are about 100 birds. Do you know why Mr. Goh keeps so many birds?

"Birds," he said, "are the secret of long life. Bird-keeping has taught me to be patient. Their songs also give me peace of mind. In this way I live longer.”

Many of Mr Goh’s birds are rare ones. He has entered them for several competitions and they have won many prizes.

He keeps them in expensive cages. One of the most expensive cages is a hand-made bamboo cage costing RM1500 ! Even the
birds’ drinking cups are expensive. They cost RM300 each!

Mr Goh’s wife and children love the birds too. His youngest daughter, Mei Lian, will not sleep unless she hears the birds sing. 

Isn’t Mr Goh afraid that someone might steal his birds? No. You see, he has two fierce Alsatians to guard his house.

1. What does Mr Goh keep in his house?

He keeps _______________________________________

2. Why does he say that birds are the secret of long life‘?

He says that birds are the secret of long life because _________

3. What does Mr Goh do with his rare birds?
4. Where does he keep them?
5. What will happen if Mei Lian does not hear the birds sing?
6. Why isn’t Mr Goh afraid that someone might steal his
7. The songs of the birds
(A) disturb Mr Goh.
(B) make him more patient.
(C) give him peace of mind.
(D) make him sleepy.

8. Mr Goh has a hand-made bamboo cage costing
(A) RM300 
(B) RM500
(C) RM1500
(D) RM1300

Listen to the audio by clicking the link below, and read along .  
(Make sure you have switched on your audio speaker , Choose "Listen in Browser" if you are using mobile-phone)

Complete the sentences below by listening to the audio again. Do not peep at the answers, try to listen carefully, listen attentively to the audio and complete the task.

Abu is my friend. He is a smart and cheerful boy.He likes travelling and reading too.
Last week, Abu and his _____________ went to Negeri Sembilan to visit _________________. It was a ______ building and it was _________without __________. It was a very unique _____________.

Nowadays, the state museum of Negeri Sembilan displays all the ________________ and _____________of the royal family. A tour guide brought them ____________ in the museum.

He left Negeri Sembilan and back to Kuala Lumpur. He enjoyed himself with the trip. Abu _____________ to his teacher to _______________an ____________trip to Negeri Sembilan during the school holiday.

Complete the above fill in the blanks exercise.
Do you know the answers? 
Please listen to the audio clip in step 3.0 , you can discuss with your family members, your parents , your siblings, or anyone, for the answers.
Still, if you are in doubt. you do not know the answers, you can click the hyperlink below for the complete answer. 

Please share this webpage, bit.ly/n9visit to anyone. Sharing is caring.


Do you like this homework? What do you think ? Remember to tell Mr. Goh down here in the comments section. Let's talk about anything down here. I miss you all.

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