Tuesday, August 4, 2020

5ZH English Construct sentences


Jefri , sleeps away every morning.
He , only wakes up and does his homework after recess, daily habit.
Jefri is a below average pupil, and a slow learner, low self-esteem,  lethargic.
I think , he is having some problems on his daily life-style, physical or mental fitness.
Got to find out the real cause for the existing issue that trouble him.

Attendance is not so good, as it is the first day after Hari Raya Haji break
Absence :1. Humaira2.Ayyum3. Aminah4. Fatihah5.Aniq6. Hakeem7.Darwisy8.Arif Ikhwan9. Alif Hasyraf10. Megat11. Ammar Syafiq

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