Sunday, January 31, 2021

pdpr 4 Numan , What country are you from?

 Hari Isnin


SLOT 2/2

Class : 4NU

Date : 1-2-2021 (Mon)

Time : 10.30am-11.30pm    

Remarks :    Where are you from. Page 5

Theme/ Topic : World of knowledge, / Global, to get to know other countries.

Skills :  

[ /] Listening and Speaking

[ ] Reading  

[ ] Writing  

[ ] Grammar  

[ ] Language Arts  

Contents / Learning stds :  

[/ ] 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a range of target language phonemes

[ /] 1.1.4 Can talk about related topics with a limited words. 

Objective : 

At the end of the lesson, 

1. My pupils should be able to talk about some countries in the world,and know how to ask and answer question,

on nationality. 

Target Language

1.   Where do you come from?

2.   What country are you from.

3.  I am from Mexico.

Hyperlinks on 'Flipped Classroom':


What is 'Flipped Classroom', please access:

Teaching and Learning Strategies :

[ ] 1. Visualization

[ ] 2. Cooperative learning

[/ ] 3. Inquiry-based instruction

[ ] 4. Differentiation

[ ] 5. Technology in the classroom

[ ] 6. Behaviour management

[ ] 7. Professional development       

[ ] 8. Project based

[ ] 9. Grammar Drill

[ ] 10. Language games, Board games

[ ] 11. Story

[ ] 12. Presentation

[ ] 13. Online interactive games/worksheet 13. Online interactive games/worksheet

[ ] 14. Nil


[ ] 1. SQ3R, Survey, Questions,Read,Recall,Review

[ /] 2. 5E Constructivism Model; Engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate

[ ] 3. lateral thinking ( DeBono   )

[ ] 4. Story Telling & Reading.

[ ] 5. Grammar Drills

[ ] 6. peer-practice

[ ] 7. Construct sentences

[ ] 8. Aural/Oral Evaluation

[ ] 9. Singing

[ ] 10. Nil

Materials / References :  

[/ ] Textbook

[ /] Workbook

[ /] Internet Search Engine/ Interactive webpages

[ ] Apps / Installed Programmes

[ ] Inquiry, Interview

[ ] Audio CD with player. 

[ ]  Blank A4  papers, about  100  pcs.

[ ] Worksheets

[ ] Personal organisation

[ ] 10. Nil

Evaluations : -  

[/ ] Observation , Pemerhatian

[ ] Writing , Penulisan

[ ] Oral and aural, Lisan

[ ] Project works, kerja projek

[ ] Presentation , Pembentangan

[ ] Role-play, main-peranan

[ ] Story-telling, bercerita

[ ] Others…Please mention ______

[ ] Nil

PAK21 elements : -  

[ ] Teamwork

[ ] Reasoning

[ /] Proficiency in using technologies

[ ] 3Rs and 4Cs Strong academic skills

[ ] Thinking

[ ] Edutainment

[ ] Search engine and sharing of ideas, data 

[ ] language games

[ ] Story telling

[ ] craftwork

[ ] Nil

• Success Criteria : Pupils respond to teacher's instruction by asking, PM to teacher.

Pre-lesson :         

Teacher explains unfamiliar words.

Lesson development / T&L Activities :  

1. Introduce oneself 

2.  Etiquette on using Google Meet. 

Post-lesson :

Discussion and Corrections

EMK (Elemen Merentas Kurikulum) :         







[ ] 5. LOVE

[ ] 6. JUSTICE

[ ] 7. FREEDOM

[ ] 8. COURAGE









[ ] 17. Adaptation

[ ] 18. Time management

[ ] 19. Personal Hygient


[ ] 1. circle map

[ ] 2.bubble map

[ ] 3.double bubble map

[ ] 4. tree map

[ ] 5. Brace map

[ ] 6. Multiflow map

[ ] 7. Brace map

[ ] 8. Bridge map

[ /] 9. Nil


[ ] 1. Make a connection

[ ] 2. Compares and differs

[/ ] 3. To clarify

[ ] 4. organize

[ ] 5. Identify true and wrong statements

[ ] 6. Identify statement based on facts and opinions.

[ ] 7. Identify bias statements

[ ] 8. Identify causes and expressing various causes.

[ ] 9. Identify the consequences and forecast various consequences.

[ ] 10. Make inferences and initial conclusions

[ ] 11. Make generalization and hypotheses.

[ ] 12.Interpreting

[ ] 13. Identify key ideas, support ideas and detailed details.

[ ] 14. Formulate and summarize

[ ] 15. Making decisions.

[ ] 16. Trouble shooting.

[ ] Others : Repetition is the key for fluency.


[ /] 1.Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)  

[ /] 2.Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”)  

[ ] 3. Musical intelligence (“music smart”)  

[ ] 4. Bodily-Kinesthetics intelligence (“body smart”)  

[ ] 5. Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”)  

[ ] 6. Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”)  

[ ] 7. Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)  


[ ] 1. Using HOTS tools (“e.g i-Think maps, mind-map, thinking hats”)  

[ /] 2. Q&A Session (“High-Level Questions”)  

[ ] 3. Applications and Project based.

[ ] 4. Discussions, Discourse

[ ] 5. Anticipation / Future study  

[ ] 6. Reflections  

Assessment :         

1. Written works / Worksheets:  

-Short questions and answers.

2. Teacher's Observations :      

Kids completed task.

3. Practical Works :  

Read aloud and read along.

4. Questions / Quizzes :

Some Wh questions asked verbally, to stir-up, to motivate thinking, to think hard.

Reflections/Impact :  

...Iearning is useful, for enhancing learning capabilities.

Remedial / Enrichment :  

Guidance  is  given  to  the  below  average  group,  by   teacher's  help, personally


On line lesson Participants:

(till date)


Arif Danish, Maisarah, Muqri, Faris Haiqal and Batrisyia joined Google Meet.


Completed written task, in the process. 7 days duration is given to complete written task.


Pdpr, Belajar dari rumah.

On line Learning , English Year 4

Teacher : Mr Goh Moh Teng

Class : 4 AN-NUMAN 2021


Day   : Monday

Date : 1.02.2021

Time slot  : 10.30am- 11.30am 

Due : till the next Mr. Goh's English time slot, Next Monday.

Task : 

Complete written exercise on First topic (Page 5, Textbook , Get Smart Plus 4)

Steps :

Please visit by clicking the link below for question and steps to 

do your homework:

6. Upon completion of the written task, snap pictures of your completed tasks and send it to Telegram Goset Music Class, or PM Whatsapp Mr. Goh.



Kalau anda telah baca makluman ini. Mohon isi borang Google Form ini.  . Tak perlu sambung list .... Terima kasih.


Pdpr - 6 SUM, Mendendangkan lagu kegemaran dan mempersembahkan dalam media sosial chat group.

RPH Muzik   

Hari Ahad


SLOT 1/1

Class : 6 SUM

Date : 31-1-2021 (Selasa)

Time : 9.30am-10.00pm    

Remarks :    

Memperkenalkan diri dan mempersembahkan lagu kegemaran sendiri.

Tema :


Melatih murid-murid menguasai sikap baik,

bersedia membuat persembahan.

Fokus :

1. Kemahiran mengguna media sosial Telegram/Whatsap.

2. Mempersembahkan lagu carian sendiri.

Standard Kandungan :

Persepsi estetik

Standard Pembelajaran

1.3.1 Membuat pergerakan berdasarkan dinamik, pic, tempo dan bunyi.Dinamik kuat / lembut.

Objektif Pembelajaran :

Pada akhir pengajaran, murid dapat:

1.  Memberi respon terhadap dinamik pada lagu yang diperdengarkan dengan betul.

2. Menyanyi ,mengikut tanda dinamik  yang diperlihatkan dengan tepat /betul.

Aktiviti :

1. Mendengar dan menyanyikan lagu  yang  mempunyai contoh dinamik lembut dan  kuat.

2. Memberi respon melalui gerakan terhadap dinamik lembut dan kuat.


Kreatif dan Inovatif


-Audio Dinamik Kuat dan Lembat (CD2 Track 07&23)

-Cth Gambar dinamik kuat dan lembut

Penilaian P&P :



Murid-murid berkenal-kenalan dahulu dalam chat group Telegram.

Pada akhir pengajaran;

80% murid dapat mencapai objektif yang ditetapkan dan 20%murid yang tidak mencapai objektif akan diberi bimbingan khas secara offline, mereka akan dihubungi melalui saluran Iain, telefon.

Pautan :

1. Dokumen Standard  Pembejaran Muzik Tahun 6

Panduan Pdp Muzik Tahun 6:

Arahan pdpr :

Pdpr, Belajar dari rumah.
On line Learning , Music
Teacher : Mr Goh Moh Teng
Class : 6 SUM, Saidina Umar 2021
*PDPR  PM, Pendidikan Muzik*

Day   : *Sunday*
Date : *31.01.21*
Time slot  : *9.30- 10.00am*
Due : till the next Mr. Goh's Music time slot, Next Sunday.

Task : 
-'My Favourite English/Malay Songs'

Steps :
1. To explore, to surf internet via Google Search, Youtube,Tiktok...etc, and write a short essay with the title 'My favourite English/Malay songs'.(Preferably English song).
2. Write, handwritten only, on the above mentioned short essay with the title 'My favourite English/Malay songs' in any exercise books, (old,recycled or blank papers are accepted, Make sure you keep all completed tasks in a file). 
3. No keyboard and handphone typing are allowed, ONLY handwritten. Mr Goh wants to read your handwriting and the contents of your findings, your taught,your kind of music.
3. Upon completion of the written task, snap a picture and send it to Telegram Goset Music Class.
4. Record your reading, on the your essay, by using voice record in Telegram apps. Record in several subsequent small audio files. DO NOT record voice in one audio file.
5. Remember to send any links you have, e.g Youtube, on your favourite songs for all of us to listen, to enjoy.
4. Thanks.
Kalau anda telah baca makluman ini. Mohon isi borang Google Form ini.  . Tak perlu sambung list .... Terima kasih.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

PDPR,5JZ, Ice breaking


Hari Khamis
SLOT 1/2

Class : 5JZ
Date : 21-1-2021 (Thu)
Time : 9.00am-10.00pm    
Remarks :    Introduce oneself
Setting up Chat group for class.


Theme/ Topic : World of knowledge,

Skills :  
[ ] Listening and Speaking
[ ] Reading  
[ /] Writing  
[ ] Grammar  
[ ] Language Arts  

Contents / Learning stds :  

[ /] 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences

Objective :
At the end of the lesson,
1. My pupils should be able to  write an essay with the title ' About Myself'
2. My pupils should be able to write at least 3 sentences, Self-intruduction, ambition, family...etc

Target Language
1.   My name is...
2. I want to be a ... when I grow up / My ambition is to be...
3. I like...

Hyperlinks on 'Flipped Classroom':
Sample of essay About Myself (for kids) by Google Search.

What is 'Flipped Classroom', please access:

Teaching and Learning Strategies :
[ ] 1. Visualization
[ ] 2. Cooperative learning
[/ ] 3. Inquiry-based instruction
[ ] 4. Differentiation
[ ] 5. Technology in the classroom
[ ] 6. Behaviour management
[ ] 7. Professional development       
[ ] 8. Project based
[ ] 9. Grammar Drill
[ ] 10. Language games, Board games
[ ] 11. Story
[ ] 12. Presentation
[ ] 13. Online interactive games/worksheet 13. Online interactive games/worksheet
[ ] 14. Nil

[ ] 1. SQ3R, Survey, Questions,Read,Recall,Review
[ ] 2. 5E Constructivism Model; Engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate
[ ] 3. lateral thinking ( DeBono   )
[ ] 4. Story Telling & Reading.
[ ] 5. Grammar Drills
[ ] 6. peer-practice
[ ] 7. Construct sentences
[ ] 8. Aural/Oral Evaluation
[ ] 9. Singing
[/ ] 10. Nil

Materials / References :  
[ ] Textbook
[ ] Workbook
[/ ] Internet Search Engine/ Interactive webpages
[ ] Apps / Installed Programmes
[ ] Inquiry, Interview
[ ] Audio CD with player. 
[ ]  Blank A4  papers, about  100  pcs.
[ ] Worksheets
[ ] Personal organisation
[ ] 10. Nil

Evaluations : -  
[ ] Observation , Pemerhatian
[ ] Writing , Penulisan
[ ] Oral and aural, Lisan
[ /] Project works, kerja projek
[ ] Presentation , Pembentangan
[ ] Role-play, main-peranan
[ ] Story-telling, bercerita
[ ] Others…Please mention ______
[ ] Nil

PAK21 elements : -  
[ ] Teamwork
[ ] Reasoning
[/ ] Proficiency in using technologies
[ ] 3Rs and 4Cs Strong academic skills
[ ] Thinking
[ ] Edutainment
[ ] Search engine and sharing of ideas, data 
[ ] language games
[ ] Story telling
[ ] craftwork
[ ] Nil

• Success Criteria : Pupils respond to teacher's instruction by asking, PM to teacher.

Pre-lesson :         

Intro to unfamiliar words

Lesson development / T&L Activities :  
1. Sample essay,
2. Kids write essay with the help of their parents.

Post-lesson :
Discussion and Corrections

EMK (Elemen Merentas Kurikulum) :         

[ ] 5. LOVE
[ ] 6. JUSTICE
[ ] 7. FREEDOM
[ ] 8. COURAGE
[ ] 17. Adaptation
[ ] 18. Time management
[ ] 19. Personal Hygient


[ ] 1. circle map
[ ] 2.bubble map
[ ] 3.double bubble map
[ ] 4. tree map
[ ] 5. Brace map
[ ] 6. Multiflow map
[ ] 7. Brace map
[ ] 8. Bridge map
[ /] 9. Nil

[ ] 1. Make a connection
[ ] 2. Compares and differs
[/ ] 3. To clarify
[ ] 4. organize
[ ] 5. Identify true and wrong statements
[ ] 6. Identify statement based on facts and opinions.
[ ] 7. Identify bias statements
[ ] 8. Identify causes and expressing various causes.
[ ] 9. Identify the consequences and forecast various consequences.
[ ] 10. Make inferences and initial conclusions
[ ] 11. Make generalization and hypotheses.
[ ] 12.Interpreting
[ ] 13. Identify key ideas, support ideas and detailed details.
[ ] 14. Formulate and summarize
[ ] 15. Making decisions.
[ ] 16. Trouble shooting.
[ ] Others : Repetition is the key for fluency.

[/ ] 1.Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)  
[ ] 2.Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”)  
[ ] 3. Musical intelligence (“music smart”)  
[ ] 4. Bodily-Kinesthetics intelligence (“body smart”)  
[ ] 5. Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”)  
[ ] 6. Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”)  
[ ] 7. Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)  

[ ] 1. Using HOTS tools (“e.g i-Think maps, mind-map, thinking hats”)  
[/ ] 2. Q&A Session (“High-Level Questions”)  
[ ] 3. Applications and Project based.
[ ] 4. Discussions, Discourse
[ ] 5. Anticipation / Future study  
[ ] 6. Reflections  

Assessment :         
1. Written works / Worksheets:  
- Instruction sent to Telegram/whatsapp Chat group
2. Teacher's Observations :     
Kids completed task.

3. Practical Works :  
Snap picture & record voices, reading

4. Questions / Quizzes :
Some Wh questions asked verbally, to stir-up, to motivate thinking, to think hard.
Reflections/Impact :  
...Iearning is useful, for enhancing learning capabilities.

Remedial / Enrichment :  
Guidance  is  given  to  the  below  average  group,  by   teacher's  help, personally


On line lesson Participants:
(till date)

In the process of collecting.

Pdpr 4 NU, Introduce oneself


Hari Khamis
SLOT 1/2

Class : 4NU
Date : 21-1-2021 (Thu)
Time : 9.00am-10.00pm    
Remarks :    Introduce oneself

Setting up Chat group for class.


Theme/ Topic : World of knowledge,

Skills :  
[ ] Listening and Speaking
[ ] Reading  
[ /] Writing  
[ ] Grammar  
[ ] Language Arts  

Contents / Learning stds :  

[ /] 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences

Objective :
At the end of the lesson,
1. My pupils should be able to  write an essay with the title ' About Myself'
2. My pupils should be able to write at least 3 sentences, Self-intruduction, ambition, family...etc

Target Language
1.   My name is...
2. I want to be a ... when I grow up / My ambition is to be...
3. I like...

Hyperlinks on 'Flipped Classroom':
Sample of essay About Myself (for kids) by Google Search.

What is 'Flipped Classroom', please access:

Teaching and Learning Strategies :
[ ] 1. Visualization
[ ] 2. Cooperative learning
[/ ] 3. Inquiry-based instruction
[ ] 4. Differentiation
[ ] 5. Technology in the classroom
[ ] 6. Behaviour management
[ ] 7. Professional development       
[ ] 8. Project based
[ ] 9. Grammar Drill
[ ] 10. Language games, Board games
[ ] 11. Story
[ ] 12. Presentation
[ ] 13. Online interactive games/worksheet 13. Online interactive games/worksheet
[ ] 14. Nil

[ ] 1. SQ3R, Survey, Questions,Read,Recall,Review
[ ] 2. 5E Constructivism Model; Engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate
[ ] 3. lateral thinking ( DeBono   )
[ ] 4. Story Telling & Reading.
[ ] 5. Grammar Drills
[ ] 6. peer-practice
[ ] 7. Construct sentences
[ ] 8. Aural/Oral Evaluation
[ ] 9. Singing
[/ ] 10. Nil

Materials / References :  
[ ] Textbook
[ ] Workbook
[/ ] Internet Search Engine/ Interactive webpages
[ ] Apps / Installed Programmes
[ ] Inquiry, Interview
[ ] Audio CD with player. 
[ ]  Blank A4  papers, about  100  pcs.
[ ] Worksheets
[ ] Personal organisation
[ ] 10. Nil

Evaluations : -  
[ ] Observation , Pemerhatian
[ ] Writing , Penulisan
[ ] Oral and aural, Lisan
[ /] Project works, kerja projek
[ ] Presentation , Pembentangan
[ ] Role-play, main-peranan
[ ] Story-telling, bercerita
[ ] Others…Please mention ______
[ ] Nil

PAK21 elements : -  
[ ] Teamwork
[ ] Reasoning
[/ ] Proficiency in using technologies
[ ] 3Rs and 4Cs Strong academic skills
[ ] Thinking
[ ] Edutainment
[ ] Search engine and sharing of ideas, data 
[ ] language games
[ ] Story telling
[ ] craftwork
[ ] Nil

• Success Criteria : Pupils respond to teacher's instruction by asking, PM to teacher.

Pre-lesson :         

Intro to unfamiliar words

Lesson development / T&L Activities :  
1. Sample essay,
2. Kids write essay with the help of their parents.

Post-lesson :
Discussion and Corrections

EMK (Elemen Merentas Kurikulum) :         

[ ] 5. LOVE
[ ] 6. JUSTICE
[ ] 7. FREEDOM
[ ] 8. COURAGE
[ ] 17. Adaptation
[ ] 18. Time management
[ ] 19. Personal Hygient


[ ] 1. circle map
[ ] 2.bubble map
[ ] 3.double bubble map
[ ] 4. tree map
[ ] 5. Brace map
[ ] 6. Multiflow map
[ ] 7. Brace map
[ ] 8. Bridge map
[ /] 9. Nil

[ ] 1. Make a connection
[ ] 2. Compares and differs
[/ ] 3. To clarify
[ ] 4. organize
[ ] 5. Identify true and wrong statements
[ ] 6. Identify statement based on facts and opinions.
[ ] 7. Identify bias statements
[ ] 8. Identify causes and expressing various causes.
[ ] 9. Identify the consequences and forecast various consequences.
[ ] 10. Make inferences and initial conclusions
[ ] 11. Make generalization and hypotheses.
[ ] 12.Interpreting
[ ] 13. Identify key ideas, support ideas and detailed details.
[ ] 14. Formulate and summarize
[ ] 15. Making decisions.
[ ] 16. Trouble shooting.
[ ] Others : Repetition is the key for fluency.

[/ ] 1.Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)  
[ ] 2.Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”)  
[ ] 3. Musical intelligence (“music smart”)  
[ ] 4. Bodily-Kinesthetics intelligence (“body smart”)  
[ ] 5. Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”)  
[ ] 6. Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”)  
[ ] 7. Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)  

[ ] 1. Using HOTS tools (“e.g i-Think maps, mind-map, thinking hats”)  
[/ ] 2. Q&A Session (“High-Level Questions”)  
[ ] 3. Applications and Project based.
[ ] 4. Discussions, Discourse
[ ] 5. Anticipation / Future study  
[ ] 6. Reflections  

Assessment :         
1. Written works / Worksheets:  
- Instruction sent to Telegram/whatsapp Chat group
2. Teacher's Observations :     
Kids completed task.

3. Practical Works :  
Snap picture & record voices, reading

4. Questions / Quizzes :
Some Wh questions asked verbally, to stir-up, to motivate thinking, to think hard.
Reflections/Impact :  
...Iearning is useful, for enhancing learning capabilities.

Remedial / Enrichment :  
Guidance  is  given  to  the  below  average  group,  by   teacher's  help, personally


On line lesson Participants:
(till date)

In the process of collecting.

Pdpr 3SF, Ice breaking


Hari Isnin 3SF English
SLOT 1/1

Class : 3SF
Subject : English
Date : 25-1-2021 (Isnin)
Time : 10.30am-11.30pm    
Remarks :    Introduce oneself

Theme/ Topic : World of knowledge,

Skills :  
[ ] Listening and Speaking
[ ] Reading  
[ /] Writing  
[ ] Grammar  
[ ] Language Arts  

Contents / Learning stds :  

[ /] 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences

Objective :
At the end of the lesson,
1. My pupils should be able to  write an essay with the title ' About Myself'
2. My pupils should be able to write at least 3 sentences, Self-intruduction, ambition, family...etc

Target Language
1.   My name is...
2. I want to be a ... when I grow up / My ambition is to be...
3. I like...

Hyperlinks on 'Flipped Classroom':
Sample of essay About Myself (for kids) by Google Search.

What is 'Flipped Classroom', please access:

Teaching and Learning Strategies :
[ ] 1. Visualization
[ ] 2. Cooperative learning
[/ ] 3. Inquiry-based instruction
[ ] 4. Differentiation
[ ] 5. Technology in the classroom
[ ] 6. Behaviour management
[ ] 7. Professional development       
[ ] 8. Project based
[ ] 9. Grammar Drill
[ ] 10. Language games, Board games
[ ] 11. Story
[ ] 12. Presentation
[ ] 13. Online interactive games/worksheet 13. Online interactive games/worksheet
[ ] 14. Nil

[ ] 1. SQ3R, Survey, Questions,Read,Recall,Review
[ ] 2. 5E Constructivism Model; Engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate
[ ] 3. lateral thinking ( DeBono   )
[ ] 4. Story Telling & Reading.
[ ] 5. Grammar Drills
[ ] 6. peer-practice
[ ] 7. Construct sentences
[ ] 8. Aural/Oral Evaluation
[ ] 9. Singing
[/ ] 10. Nil

Materials / References :  
[ ] Textbook
[ ] Workbook
[/ ] Internet Search Engine/ Interactive webpages
[ ] Apps / Installed Programmes
[ ] Inquiry, Interview
[ ] Audio CD with player. 
[ ]  Blank A4  papers, about  100  pcs.
[ ] Worksheets
[ ] Personal organisation
[ ] 10. Nil

Evaluations : -  
[ ] Observation , Pemerhatian
[ ] Writing , Penulisan
[ ] Oral and aural, Lisan
[ /] Project works, kerja projek
[ ] Presentation , Pembentangan
[ ] Role-play, main-peranan
[ ] Story-telling, bercerita
[ ] Others…Please mention ______
[ ] Nil

PAK21 elements : -  
[ ] Teamwork
[ ] Reasoning
[/ ] Proficiency in using technologies
[ ] 3Rs and 4Cs Strong academic skills
[ ] Thinking
[ ] Edutainment
[ ] Search engine and sharing of ideas, data 
[ ] language games
[ ] Story telling
[ ] craftwork
[ ] Nil

• Success Criteria : Pupils respond to teacher's instruction by asking, PM to teacher.

Pre-lesson :         

Intro to unfamiliar words

Lesson development / T&L Activities :  
1. Sample essay,
2. Kids write essay with the help of their parents.

Post-lesson :
Discussion and Corrections

EMK (Elemen Merentas Kurikulum) :         

[ ] 5. LOVE
[ ] 6. JUSTICE
[ ] 7. FREEDOM
[ ] 8. COURAGE
[ ] 17. Adaptation
[ ] 18. Time management
[ ] 19. Personal Hygient


[ ] 1. circle map
[ ] 2.bubble map
[ ] 3.double bubble map
[ ] 4. tree map
[ ] 5. Brace map
[ ] 6. Multiflow map
[ ] 7. Brace map
[ ] 8. Bridge map
[ /] 9. Nil

[ ] 1. Make a connection
[ ] 2. Compares and differs
[/ ] 3. To clarify
[ ] 4. organize
[ ] 5. Identify true and wrong statements
[ ] 6. Identify statement based on facts and opinions.
[ ] 7. Identify bias statements
[ ] 8. Identify causes and expressing various causes.
[ ] 9. Identify the consequences and forecast various consequences.
[ ] 10. Make inferences and initial conclusions
[ ] 11. Make generalization and hypotheses.
[ ] 12.Interpreting
[ ] 13. Identify key ideas, support ideas and detailed details.
[ ] 14. Formulate and summarize
[ ] 15. Making decisions.
[ ] 16. Trouble shooting.
[ ] Others : Repetition is the key for fluency.

[/ ] 1.Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)  
[ ] 2.Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”)  
[ ] 3. Musical intelligence (“music smart”)  
[ ] 4. Bodily-Kinesthetics intelligence (“body smart”)  
[ ] 5. Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”)  
[ ] 6. Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”)  
[ ] 7. Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)  

[ ] 1. Using HOTS tools (“e.g i-Think maps, mind-map, thinking hats”)  
[/ ] 2. Q&A Session (“High-Level Questions”)  
[ ] 3. Applications and Project based.
[ ] 4. Discussions, Discourse
[ ] 5. Anticipation / Future study  
[ ] 6. Reflections  

Assessment :         
1. Written works / Worksheets:  
- Instruction sent to Telegram/whatsapp Chat group
2. Teacher's Observations :     
Kids completed task.

3. Practical Works :  
Snap picture & record voices, reading

4. Questions / Quizzes :
Some Wh questions asked verbally, to stir-up, to motivate thinking, to think hard.
Reflections/Impact :  
...Iearning is useful, for enhancing learning capabilities.

Remedial / Enrichment :  
Guidance  is  given  to  the  below  average  group,  by   teacher's  help, personally


On line lesson Participants:
(till date)

In the process of collecting.

PdPr Muzik PM 6 SUM, Icebreaking


RPH Muzik  

Hari Selasa
SLOT 1/1

Class : 6 SUM
Date : 26-1-2021 (Selasa)
Time : 10.30am-11.30pm    
Remarks :    
Memperkenalkan diri

Tema :
Ice-breaking session.

Fokus :
1. Kemahiran mengguna media sosial Telegram/Whatsap.

Standard Kandungan :
Belajar muzik secara online.

Standard Pembelajaran
1.3.1 Membuat pergerakan berdasarkan dinamik, pic, tempo dan bunyi.Dinamik kuat / lembut.

Objektif Pembelajaran :
Pada akhir pengajaran, murid dapat:
1.  Memberi respon terhadap dinamik pada lagu yang diperdengarkan dengan betul.
2. Menyanyi ,mengikut tanda dinamik  yang diperlihatkan dengan tepat /betul.

Aktiviti :
1. Mendengar dan menyanyikan lagu  yang  mempunyai contoh dinamik lembut dan  kuat.
2. Memberi respon melalui gerakan terhadap dinamik lembut dan kuat.

Kreatif dan Inovatif

-Audio Dinamik Kuat dan Lembat (CD2 Track 07&23)
-Cth Gambar dinamik kuat dan lembut

Penilaian P&P :

Murid-murid berkenal-kenalan dahulu dalam chat group Telegram.

Pada akhir pengajaran;

80% murid dapat mencapai objektif yang ditetapkan dan 20%murid yang tidak mencapai objektif akan diberi bimbingan khas secara offline, mereka akan dihubungi melalui saluran Iain, telefon.

Pautan :

1. Dokumen Standard  Pembejaran Muzik Tahun 6

Panduan Pdp Muzik Tahun 6:

Friday, January 29, 2021

pdpr 5JZ Intro oneself


Hari Rabu
Hari Rabu
SLOT 2/2

Class : 5JZ
Date : 27-1-2021 (Wed)
Time : 10.30am-11.30pm    
Remarks :    Introduce oneself

Theme/ Topic : World of knowledge,

Pdpr Acknowledgement :

Pdpr, Belajar dari rumah.
On line Learning , English
Teacher : Mr Goh Moh Teng
Kelas : 4 An Numan 2021
*PDPR  Bahasa Inggeris*

Hari.   : *Rabu*
Tarikh : *27.01.21*
Jam.   : *10.30- 11.30 pagi*
Tarikh akhir hantar, Due : till the next Mr. Goh's English lesson, Next Wednesday.

Tajuk :
- To write a short essay

Task :
1. Write a short essay with the title "About Myself".
Please write anything about yourself , in written format.
You can write in any exercise book and any blank paper (Remember to keep in a file).
2. Write something about your family members, your parents' occupations,ambition, hobbies, favourite food, the neighbourhood....etc...anything. Remember to introduce yourself first. in a single page only .
3. Only handwritten, no handphone and keyboard typing. Mr. Goh wants to read your handwriting and the contents of your taught.
3. Upon completion. please snap and post the task to Mr Goh's Telegram Groupchat for your class (preferably) OR you can PM, personal message to Mr. Goh's Whatsapp (For those who couldn't install Telegram in their old phone ONLY).
4. Thanks.
Kalau ada telah baca makluman ini. Mohon isi borang Google Form ini.  . Tak perlu sambung list .... Terima kasih.

Skills :  
[ ] Listening and Speaking
[ ] Reading  
[ /] Writing  
[ ] Grammar  
[ ] Language Arts  

Contents / Learning stds :  

[ /] 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences

Objective :
At the end of the lesson,
1. My pupils should be able to   write an essay with the title About Myself

Target Language
1. My name is...
2. I want to be a...

Hyperlinks on 'Flipped Classroom':

What is 'Flipped Classroom', please access:

Teaching and Learning Strategies :
[ ] 1. Visualization
[ ] 2. Cooperative learning
[ ] 3. Inquiry-based instruction
[ ] 4. Differentiation
[ ] 5. Technology in the classroom
[ ] 6. Behaviour management
[ ] 7. Professional development       
[ ] 8. Project based
[ ] 9. Grammar Drill
[ ] 10. Language games, Board games
[ ] 11. Story
[ ] 12. Presentation
[ ] 13. Online interactive games/worksheet 13. Online interactive games/worksheet
[ /] 14. Nil
[ /] 15. Essay writing

[ ] 1. SQ3R, Survey, Questions,Read,Recall,Review
[ ] 2. 5E Constructivism Model; Engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate
[ ] 3. lateral thinking ( DeBono   )
[ ] 4. Story Telling & Reading.
[ ] 5. Grammar Drills
[ ] 6. peer-practice
[ ] 7. Construct sentences
[ ] 8. Aural/Oral Evaluation
[ ] 9. Singing
[/ ] 10. Essay writing

Materials / References :  
[ ] Textbook
[ ] Workbook
[ ] Internet Search Engine/ Interactive webpages
[ ] Apps / Installed Programmes
[ /] Inquiry, Interview
[ ] Audio CD with player. 
[ ]  Blank A4  papers, about  100  pcs.
[ ] Worksheets
[ ] Personal organisation
[ ] 10. Nil

Evaluations : -  
[ ] Observation , Pemerhatian
[/ ] Writing , Penulisan
[ ] Oral and aural, Lisan
[ ] Project works, kerja projek
[ ] Presentation , Pembentangan
[ ] Role-play, main-peranan
[ ] Story-telling, bercerita
[ ] Others…Please mention ______
[ ] Nil

PAK21 elements : -  
[ ] Teamwork
[ ] Reasoning
[ ] Proficiency in using technologies
[ ] 3Rs and 4Cs Strong academic skills
[ ] Thinking
[ ] Edutainment
[ ] Search engine and sharing of ideas, data 
[ ] language games
[ ] Story telling
[ ] craftwork
[/ ] Nil

• Success Criteria : Pupils respond to teacher's instruction by asking, PM to teacher.

Pre-lesson :         

Intro to unfamiliar words

Lesson development / T&L Activities :  
1. Google Meet
2.  Dialogue with teacher
3. Writing essay About Myself

Post-lesson :
Discussion and Corrections

EMK (Elemen Merentas Kurikulum) :         

[/ ] 5. LOVE
[ ] 6. JUSTICE
[ ] 7. FREEDOM
[ ] 8. COURAGE
[ ] 17. Adaptation
[ ] 18. Time management
[ ] 19. Personal Hygient


[ ] 1. circle map
[ ] 2.bubble map
[ ] 3.double bubble map
[ ] 4. tree map
[ ] 5. Brace map
[ ] 6. Multiflow map
[ ] 7. Brace map
[ ] 8. Bridge map
[ /] 9. Nil

[/ ] 1. Make a connection
[ ] 2. Compares and differs
[ ] 3. To clarify
[ ] 4. organize
[ ] 5. Identify true and wrong statements
[ ] 6. Identify statement based on facts and opinions.
[ ] 7. Identify bias statements
[ ] 8. Identify causes and expressing various causes.
[ ] 9. Identify the consequences and forecast various consequences.
[ ] 10. Make inferences and initial conclusions
[ ] 11. Make generalization and hypotheses.
[ ] 12.Interpreting
[ ] 13. Identify key ideas, support ideas and detailed details.
[ ] 14. Formulate and summarize
[ ] 15. Making decisions.
[ ] 16. Trouble shooting.
[ ] Others : Repetition is the key for fluency.

[ /] 1.Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)  
[ ] 2.Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”)  
[ ] 3. Musical intelligence (“music smart”)  
[ ] 4. Bodily-Kinesthetics intelligence (“body smart”)  
[ ] 5. Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”)  
[ ] 6. Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”)  
[ ] 7. Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)  

[ ] 1. Using HOTS tools (“e.g i-Think maps, mind-map, thinking hats”)  
[/ ] 2. Q&A Session (“High-Level Questions”)  
[ ] 3. Applications and Project based.
[ ] 4. Discussions, Discourse
[ ] 5. Anticipation / Future study  
[ ] 6. Reflections  

Assessment :         
1. Written works / Worksheets:  
- Write simple essay
2. Teacher's Observations :     
Kids completed task.

3. Practical Works :  
Read aloud and record voices

4. Questions / Quizzes :
Some Wh questions asked verbally, to stir-up, to motivate thinking, to think hard.
Reflections/Impact :  
...Iearning is useful, for enhancing learning capabilities.

Remedial / Enrichment :  
Guidance  is  given  to  the  below  average  group,  by   teacher's  help, personal messages.

Kids love to chat in the social chat apps. Kids have to adhere to the rules /etiquette of group chatting via Telegram/Whatsapp.

On line lesson Participants:
(till date)


Pdpr 4 Numan Intro oneself


Hari Rabu
SLOT 1/2

Class : 4NU
Date : 27-1-2021 (Wed)
Time : 10.30am-11.30pm    
Remarks :    Introduce oneself

Theme/ Topic : World of knowledge,

Pdpr Acknowledgement :

Pdpr, Belajar dari rumah.
On line Learning , English
Teacher : Mr Goh Moh Teng
Kelas : 4 An Numan 2021
*PDPR  Bahasa Inggeris*

Hari.   : *Rabu*
Tarikh : *27.01.21*
Jam.   : *10.30- 11.30 pagi*
Tarikh akhir hantar, Due : till the next Mr. Goh's English lesson, Next Wednesday.

Tajuk :
- To write a short essay

Task :
1. Write a short essay with the title "About Myself".
Please write anything about yourself , in written format.
You can write in any exercise book and any blank paper (Remember to keep in a file).
2. Write something about your family members, your parents' occupations,ambition, hobbies, favourite food, the neighbourhood....etc...anything. Remember to introduce yourself first. in a single page only .
3. Only handwritten, no handphone and keyboard typing. Mr. Goh wants to read your handwriting and the contents of your taught.
3. Upon completion. please snap and post the task to Mr Goh's Telegram Groupchat for your class (preferably) OR you can PM, personal message to Mr. Goh's Whatsapp (For those who couldn't install Telegram in their old phone ONLY).
4. Thanks.
Kalau ada telah baca makluman ini. Mohon isi borang Google Form ini.  . Tak perlu sambung list .... Terima kasih.

Skills :  
[ ] Listening and Speaking
[ ] Reading  
[ /] Writing  
[ ] Grammar  
[ ] Language Arts  

Contents / Learning stds :  

[ /] 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences

Objective :
At the end of the lesson,
1. My pupils should be able to   write an essay with the title About Myself

Target Language
1. My name is...
2. I want to be a...

Hyperlinks on 'Flipped Classroom':

What is 'Flipped Classroom', please access:

Teaching and Learning Strategies :
[ ] 1. Visualization
[ ] 2. Cooperative learning
[ ] 3. Inquiry-based instruction
[ ] 4. Differentiation
[ ] 5. Technology in the classroom
[ ] 6. Behaviour management
[ ] 7. Professional development       
[ ] 8. Project based
[ ] 9. Grammar Drill
[ ] 10. Language games, Board games
[ ] 11. Story
[ ] 12. Presentation
[ ] 13. Online interactive games/worksheet 13. Online interactive games/worksheet
[ /] 14. Nil
[ /] 15. Essay writing

[ ] 1. SQ3R, Survey, Questions,Read,Recall,Review
[ ] 2. 5E Constructivism Model; Engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate
[ ] 3. lateral thinking ( DeBono   )
[ ] 4. Story Telling & Reading.
[ ] 5. Grammar Drills
[ ] 6. peer-practice
[ ] 7. Construct sentences
[ ] 8. Aural/Oral Evaluation
[ ] 9. Singing
[/ ] 10. Essay writing

Materials / References :  
[ ] Textbook
[ ] Workbook
[ ] Internet Search Engine/ Interactive webpages
[ ] Apps / Installed Programmes
[ /] Inquiry, Interview
[ ] Audio CD with player. 
[ ]  Blank A4  papers, about  100  pcs.
[ ] Worksheets
[ ] Personal organisation
[ ] 10. Nil

Evaluations : -  
[ ] Observation , Pemerhatian
[/ ] Writing , Penulisan
[ ] Oral and aural, Lisan
[ ] Project works, kerja projek
[ ] Presentation , Pembentangan
[ ] Role-play, main-peranan
[ ] Story-telling, bercerita
[ ] Others…Please mention ______
[ ] Nil

PAK21 elements : -  
[ ] Teamwork
[ ] Reasoning
[ ] Proficiency in using technologies
[ ] 3Rs and 4Cs Strong academic skills
[ ] Thinking
[ ] Edutainment
[ ] Search engine and sharing of ideas, data 
[ ] language games
[ ] Story telling
[ ] craftwork
[/ ] Nil

• Success Criteria : Pupils respond to teacher's instruction by asking, PM to teacher.

Pre-lesson :         

Intro to unfamiliar words

Lesson development / T&L Activities :  
1. Google Meet
2.  Dialogue with teacher
3. Writing essay About Myself

Post-lesson :
Discussion and Corrections

EMK (Elemen Merentas Kurikulum) :         

[/ ] 5. LOVE
[ ] 6. JUSTICE
[ ] 7. FREEDOM
[ ] 8. COURAGE
[ ] 17. Adaptation
[ ] 18. Time management
[ ] 19. Personal Hygient


[ ] 1. circle map
[ ] 2.bubble map
[ ] 3.double bubble map
[ ] 4. tree map
[ ] 5. Brace map
[ ] 6. Multiflow map
[ ] 7. Brace map
[ ] 8. Bridge map
[ /] 9. Nil

[/ ] 1. Make a connection
[ ] 2. Compares and differs
[ ] 3. To clarify
[ ] 4. organize
[ ] 5. Identify true and wrong statements
[ ] 6. Identify statement based on facts and opinions.
[ ] 7. Identify bias statements
[ ] 8. Identify causes and expressing various causes.
[ ] 9. Identify the consequences and forecast various consequences.
[ ] 10. Make inferences and initial conclusions
[ ] 11. Make generalization and hypotheses.
[ ] 12.Interpreting
[ ] 13. Identify key ideas, support ideas and detailed details.
[ ] 14. Formulate and summarize
[ ] 15. Making decisions.
[ ] 16. Trouble shooting.
[ ] Others : Repetition is the key for fluency.

[ /] 1.Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)  
[ ] 2.Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”)  
[ ] 3. Musical intelligence (“music smart”)  
[ ] 4. Bodily-Kinesthetics intelligence (“body smart”)  
[ ] 5. Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”)  
[ ] 6. Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”)  
[ ] 7. Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)  

[ ] 1. Using HOTS tools (“e.g i-Think maps, mind-map, thinking hats”)  
[/ ] 2. Q&A Session (“High-Level Questions”)  
[ ] 3. Applications and Project based.
[ ] 4. Discussions, Discourse
[ ] 5. Anticipation / Future study  
[ ] 6. Reflections  

Assessment :         
1. Written works / Worksheets:  
- Write simple essay
2. Teacher's Observations :     
Kids completed task.

3. Practical Works :  
Read aloud and record voices

4. Questions / Quizzes :
Some Wh questions asked verbally, to stir-up, to motivate thinking, to think hard.
Reflections/Impact :  
...Iearning is useful, for enhancing learning capabilities.

Remedial / Enrichment :  
Guidance  is  given  to  the  below  average  group,  by   teacher's  help, personal messages.

Kids love to chat in the social chat apps. Kids have to adhere to the rules /etiquette of group chatting via Telegram/Whatsapp.

On line lesson Participants:
(till date)


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Mesyuarat Guru SKP Bukit Besar & AKP 1/ 2021, bertarikh 18/1/2021(Isnin), 11am Google Meet


Surat Panggilan Mesyuarat , sehingga [17.01.21 18:03] (Ahad)
Maklum-balas guru-guru dan kakitangan SKP Bukit Besar.

📊 Mesyuarat Guru SKP Bukit Besar  & AKP 1/ 2021, bertarikh 18/1/2021(Isnin), 11am Google Meet

👌, Klik sini utk 'Noted' (100%)
├ Goh Moh Teng
├ Zaytun
├ Anies 96
├ Zakhlina Khalid
├ Wan Mariam Wan Ismail
├ Adil Salleh
├ Sharifah Hanina
├ Faradhyla Ab Bakar
├ ZaZa
├ Noor Hidayah Rashid
├ Zabedah Abd Wahab
├ taZman
├ Zilyati Ismail
├ FaizulAzely
├ zurina che mohd
├ Wahida Ida
├ Wan Norhaya
├ azmi osman
├ ang meng siew
├ Ramlah Muda
├ Fadzillah Ismail
├ Rohayu Hashim
├ nik zaireen
├ Maziana Mansor
├ norita jusoh
├ Hasmu Endot
├ Faizah Awang
├ Fauziah Abdul Rahman
├ Dhadhia
├ Sulatifah Sulatifah
├ Solahuddin
├ Badariah Alias
├ Mazni Mohd
├ Mohamad Sapawi
├ asmadi ali
├ mohdarif
├ Tuan Aslah
├ Ezny 2018
├ Wan Manzura
├ Ismi Wan Tarmizi
├ Maziah
├ حاج مي Hajmi
├ Zuraidah
├ فضلي/اصيله  Fadli / Asilah
├ Mohd Helmi
├ adi mustapa
├ Anuar Muhammad
├ NurSuhailaGhani
└ Mukhdi Shafee

50 👥

SkArifin PKhem, [18.01.21 10:42]
Meeting URL: 
Phone: +1 669-235-9955 PIN: 272 507 450#

Kehadiran :
Semua guru dan anggota kumpulan pelaksana hadir, kecuali 

1. ? (Sebab: ? )
2. ?
3. ?

Minit Mesyuarat Guru & AKP 2021/ 01 , Google Meet.
1. Ucapan alu-aluan Guru Besar kepada semua guru dan AKP. Ucapan selamat datang kepada 3 orang guru baru, yang bertukar ke SKPBB.
1.1 Cikgu Zurita Cik Mat ( dari SK?)
1.2 Cikgu Siti Suhaidah ( dari SK?)
1.3 Cikgu ? ( dari SKSS1)

GB memaklumkan bahawa seorang guru SKPBB kita, Ust. Tarmizi telah bertukar ke SK Bukit Bayas. Pihak sekolah sangat menghargai sumbangannya selama ini, dan semoga maju jaya di sekolah baru kelak.

2. GB memaklum dan mengulaskan
Agenda Profesional.
Lima fokus hala-tuju JPNT iaitu :
2.1 Pemimpin global.
2.2 Guru global.
2.3 PIBKS global.
2.4 Persekitaran pembelajaran global.
2.5 Murid global.
2.2 Guru global.

3. GB mengulaskan ucapan Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam, Tan Sri Mohd Khairul Adib, Pendigitalan dalam norma baru.

4. Pdpr - GB mengingatkan semua guru menjalani pdpr dan laporkan proses pdpr merangkumi kandungan, data dapatan, analisa, kaedah on/offline ke portal yang rasmi. Para guru disarankan juga agar memastikan pdpr berkesan, dengan kaedah apa bentuk pun, bermanfaat dapat dicapai oleh semua murid.

5. GB mengulas pencapaian SKPBB Cemerlang sepanjang 2020, anugerah-anugerah.
SKPBB, sebuah sekolah KBAT, guru-guru memastikan murid-murid dapat menguasai kemahiran KBAT.

6. Visi SKPBB 2021:
Menjadikan SKPBB Cemerlang....?

7. GB menekankan hala tuju sekolah. Takwim UPSR masih ada, dan UPSR tidak dimansuhkan.

8. Surat lantikan Jawatankuasa. Perlantikan jawatankuasa akademik, hal-ehwal dan kokurikulum akan dibuat.

9. GB menyampaikan data perjawatan warga sekolah. Jumlah bilangan murid semasa ialah 616 orang.

10. GB mengulas sepintas lalu buku pelaksanaan 2021, guru-guru kelas 2021.

11. GB memaklumkan sumbangan khas / kebitaraan guru SKPBB.

12. GB menyampaikan garis panduan pengurusan dan pengoperasian sekolah dalam norma baru. Apabila sekolah buka nanti, laksanakan SOP 2021 sebagai mana SKPBB telah buat dalam tahun 2020. Ibu bapa tidak akan dibenarkan mengambil anak murid di kawasan sekolah.

13. Transisi Tahun 1, 2021, selama 43 hari, secara atas talian. Dari 20/1/2021-26/2/2021.

14. Negeri Terengganu sedang menjalani PKPB , 13/1/2021-26/1/21.

15. Pengurusan kurikulum Tahun 6.

16. Panitia matapelajaran, sepintas lalu.

17. Pencerapan.

18. Takwim mesyuarat kurikulum. Sekurang-kurangnya 4 kali mesyuarat dijalankan sepanjang tahun persekolahan 2021.

19. Penghantaran ERPH, semua guru diwajibkan menggunakan email DELIMA. Merujuk kepada Cikgu Helmi , sekiranya terlupa kata-laluan. Erph mesti dihantar setiap hari Khamis, rujuk kepada Puan Marian untuk maklumat lanjut tentang Erph.

20. Jadual Pdpr, guru-guru pastikan laksanakan Pdpr dan membuat laporan setelah Pdpr dijalankan. 

21.Ketetapan DSKP, SP,HSP dan penjajaran kurikulum, perlu dilaksanakan.

22. Penjajaran kurikulum 2.0. Guru-guru boleh melayari internet untuk mendapatkan maklumat terkini.

Bidang Pengurusan HEM
Cikgu Arifin.

23-Pembentukan AJK Covid-19, (Jadual guru bertugas).
24-Perjalanan murid datang-balik sekolah.
25-Proses pemulangan dan pengambilan buku teks sedang dibincang di peringkat AJK.
26-AJK Kedai / Buku sekolah , bincang dan rancangkan proses pelaksanaannya.
27-Pengurusan bayaran , perlu ditambahbaiki, supaya mengikut SOP.
28-Guru kelas disarankan mengesan murid-murid yang perlukan bantuan kewangan.
29-AJK kebajikan BAP, RMT, Susu sekolah disarankan berbincang dan melaksanakan perancangan.
30-Data dengan Tuan Azman.

31.GB menyarankan taklimat khusus mesti diberi ke atas
penghantaran dan pengambilan buku teks, proses pembelian buku dan alatulis, pembayaran, mesti mengikuti SOP.

Bidang Pengurusan Kokurikulum
Cikgu Adil.
32-AJK 2021, sila rujuk kepada buku pelaksanaan 2021, ada lantikan baru, dan ada yang dikekalkan.
33-Takwim 2021- MSSM, MSST, berubah kerana wabak Covid-19. Dijangkakan bermula bulan Mac. 2021.
34-Kehadiran wajib pada guru bertugas.
35-Lantikan Tahun 4, rumah sukan, kelab/persatuan, unit beruniform akan dibuat pada bulan Februari 2021, sekiranya sekolah buka pada ketika itu.
36-Pelaporan aktiviti dibuat dalam buku laporan yang telah disediakan.
37-Pengurusan fail kurikulum. 80% telah pun disiapkan, dan guru perlu melengkapkan 20%.
38-100% data maklumat aktiviti, perancangan mesti diisi ke dalam buku pengurusan.
39-Segala aktiviti ko-kurikulum mesti diselitkan elemen KBAT.
40-Surat lantikan tugas dan serahan tugas telah pun disediakan, guru-guru unit yang bertanggungjawab cuma menandatangani dokumen berkenaan sahaja.
41-Galeri Ko-kurikulum , dikemaskini dari semasa ke semasa.
42-Ujian Segak, sebenarnya di bawah unit kurikulum, PK1.  Unit ko-kurikulum hanya terlibat dalam pengurusan data dan pemantauan perjalanan program.
43-Isu kemasukan data dalam portal. Guru-guru yang bertanggungjawab dengan Segak akan masuk data dalam portal masing-masing.

Cikgu Dhazita.
44-Jadual agihan tugas telah pun dibuat dan diedarkan, sila rujuk buku pelaksanaan 2021.
45-Pdpr akan bermula 20/1/2021 Rabu. Jadual Pdpr telah pun disediakan. Whatsapp telah pun digunakan dengan giatna pada tahun 2020, tetapi Tahun ini, 2021 Telegram pula akan digunakan.
46-Guru-guru matapelajaran disarankan memberikan kerja/tugasan yang bersesuaian dengan tahap murid dan selalu berhubung dengan apa kaedah pun, memastikan murid-murid belajar.
47-Tiga orang murid baru, 2 autism, 1 hyperactive dan 1 intelectual.
Jumlah 19+4 = 23 orang.
-5 orang murid PPKI menyertai kelas perdana.
-28 orang memohon elaun.
Tahun 2020 - bermula 1/4/2020-30/4/2020.
Tahun 2021 - bermula 1/2/2021.
Guru-guru kelas (Perdana) diseru agar kemaskinikan APDM segera tentang status OKU murid-murid PPKI yang menyertai kelas Perdana.
48-Ada seorang murid Prasekolah (2020) yang bernama Irdina yang memegang kad OKU. Guru kelas tahun 1 perlu memastikan APDM dikemaskini, memastikan status OKU Irdina dimasukkan ke dalam data APDM.
Pendaftaran dan permohonan hanya dibuka 1/2/2021-24/2/2021. Sekiranya terlepas pandang, Murid ini tidak akan dapat elaun sepanjang tahun 2021.

49-Semak dan selidik isi kandungan buku pelaksanaan 2021. Rancang dan laksanakan tugas yang telah diamanatkan.
50-Cuti CRK, selama 10 hari.
Suatu keistimewaan, bukan hak. CRK, Guru-guru dikehendaki memohon dengan GB dan maklumkan kepada PK1.
51-Selepas sekolah buka nanti, guru-guru wajib berada dalam kawasan sekolah. Guru-guru yang ingin keluar dari kawasan sekolah, semasa pdp, perlu pastikan hal-hal yang urgent sahaja. Isi buku kebenaran keluar pejabat dan diluluskan oleh pihak pentadbir. Ini penting, untuk kebaikan diri sendiri.Guru-guru yang mengingkari SOP ini, pihak sekolah tidak akan bertanggungjawab sekiranya berlaku sesuatu yang tidak diingini.
52-Guru-guru disaran menjalankan urusan peribadi di sebelah petang, lepas waktu pejabat. Dan masa maksimum adalah 4 jam sahaja.
53-Guru-guru diseru menjaga etika pemakaian. Tanda nama dan kasut bertumit pada guru-guru wanita. Ditegah pakai selipar semasa bertugas.
54-Pdpr, laksanakan dengan berkesan. Google Meet digalakkan. Media-media lain, yang sedia ada, yang bersesuaian boleh digunakan.Memberikan tugasan secara on/off line (hardcopy). Mengadaptasikan kaedah dalam norma baru.
55-Pelitup muka perlu dipakai semasa bersemuka , apa sekolah buka nanti.

PK1 Tambahan
Cikgu Wan Mariam
56-Transisi Tahun 1 tetap berjalan, walaupun dalam pdpr.
57- 3 fasa Transisi iaitu 1. Penyesuaian, 2-?, 3-?
58-Modul Transisi Tahun 1 telah disediakan.

📊 Guru-guru yang menghadiri Mesyuarat Guru & AKP 2021/ 01

Saya telah hadir (100%)
├ Goh Moh Teng
├ Dhadhia
├ Mohamad Sapawi
├ Zakhlina Khalid
├ Rohayu Hashim
├ Wahida Ida
├ Zuraidah
├ Anies 96
├ Mohd Helmi
├ Sharifah Hanina
├ neo Riff
├ nik zaireen
├ Wan Norhaya
├ ang meng siew
├ zurina che mohd
├ Maziah
├ Faradhyla Ab Bakar
├ Wan Rohayu
├ Zabedah Abd Wahab
├ Fauziah Abdul Rahman
├ حاج مي
├ Wan Mariam Wan Ismail
├ adi mustapa
├ Asilah Amin
├ ZaZa
├ Zaytun
├ mohdarif
├ Mukhdi Shafee
├ Faizah Awang
├ Hasmu Endot
├ Mohd Ariffin
├ Mazni Mohd
├ asmadi ali
├ Ramlah Muda
├ FaizulAzely
├ norita jusoh
├ Maziana Mansor
├ Noor Hidayah Rashid
├ Tuan Aslah
├ NurSuhailaGhani
├ taZman
├ Badariah Alias
├ Anuar Muhammad
├ Ezny 2018
├ Solahuddin
├ Zilyati Ismail
└ Adil Salleh

Saya tidak hadir, ada hal (0%)

Saya tidak hadir, Masalah line/gadgets. (0%)

Saya tidak hadir, tak dapat makIuman. (0%)

5) Saya tidak hadir, hal2 Selain drp tertera di atas. (0%)

47 👥